A divorce case or a case involving trade secrets may not be heard in public if a party so requests. 离婚案件,涉及商业秘密的案件,当事人申请不公开审理的,可以不公开审理。
The people's court shall publish the judgments of all its cases heard either in public or in private. 人民法院对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣告判决。同一级法院及上一级法院作出的二审判决或裁定属终局裁决。
Whoever heard of a young lady being married without something to be married in? Well, I've heard nudity is not the cheese on public occasions! 有谁听说一个女子结婚没有穿结婚的衣服呢?咳,我听说在公开场合“赤身?体”是不雅观的!
They are making their voices heard& in new newspapers, and on radio and television, in public squares and on personal blogs. 他们让世界听到了他们的声音&通过新的报纸、广播和电视、在公共广场上和在个人的博客上。
How does the user feel about being seen and heard using the device if he is in public? 如果使用者身处公共场合使用这个设备时,被他人看到或者听到,使用者会有怎样的感受?
And, you've undoubtedly heard a lot in the public press, and even in the political dialogue such as it is these days that hydrogen might be on environmentally friendly fuel. 毫无疑问你已经在公开新闻上,甚至在政治的对话上听到过了,比如最近这些天,氢气是一种环境友好的燃料。
I have heard several times that some of the worst things that happen to animals in public view is stress. 我好几次听到这种糟糕的消息,动物们被公众参观感到鸭梨很大。这些压力摧毁了他们对生活、交配、吃喝等等各种欲望。
Cases involving state secrets or private affairs of individuals shall not be heard in public. 但是有关国家秘密或者个人隐私的案件,不公开审理。